Men Beauty Standards : West vs Asia



The most popular surgery procedures in Asian men are double eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty. Asian men typically desire higher nose bridges and big eyes. Looks are a big deal in Asia, and they even go to the extreme of photoshopping their passport photo, government ID photo to make their eyes appear larger and face slimmer. Face size is also a huge thing. The smaller the better. However, in the West, if you tell someone they have a small face, to some it can come as an insult. “Pretty” boys, men with feminine features, are very popular in ASIA.

In the West, a bearded masculine look is popular. Men typically desire to have a strong jawline. Brad Pitt, David Beckham and Johnny Depp are all famous for their beautiful jawlines.


 In Asia, the paler the skin, the better. Dark skin is a symbol of the working class, like farmers who work in the sun all day. So, most try to avoid sun exposure as much as possible. They also take good care of their skin, especially in Korea, as there is a wide range of men skin care products and even makeup for men easily available for purchase. In the West, if you are tan, it’s a sign of good health and vitality, and a touch of the exotic. The darker you are, the more fun it meant you had. Golden skin gives you status, opposite of Asian standards. Tattoos in men are also very popular and common in the West compared to Asia.


In the West, men desire to have the perfect muscular body. An ideal male body type has a broad upper body, including shoulders, biceps and pectoral muscles, also known as the “V-shape”. In Asia, the ideal body Asian women desire in a male are slender bodies with a little bit of lean muscle.

Most popular plastic surgery choices for men

Although plastic surgery is still not very common in the West compared to Asia, there are still a good amount of people receiving surgeries to enhance their look. Here are some popular choices of procedures in both West and Asia.
-       Nose job
-       Ear correction
-       Eyelid reduction
-       Male breast reduction
-       Liposuction
-       Double eyelid surgery
-       Nose job
-       Jaw reduction
Generally, in Asia, especially Korea, men try to go for more of the “pretty” boy look when receiving surgery.

So which type do you prefer?
Both are attractive in their own ways. We understand that each and every individual has different beauty standards and here at View clinic, we make sure to cater to each one’s desired look. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in any of the procedures mentioned above. We are here to help you achieve the look you want. 
