What plastic surgery procedures are popular in Asia versus the West?

We live in a world where looks are a big factor especially in countries like South Korea. Sadly, Koreans and most Asians view being beautiful as being successful, and they have a specific standard of beauty that is quite interestingly different from the West. Although plastic surgery is still common in all races, you’d be quite surprised between preferences in Asia and preferences in the West 🌎

   Double Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Asia - One of the most common treatment is double eyelid surgery. In Korea, many people are born with “monolids”, which means that they don’t have an outer crease on their eyelids. And because they rather admire bigger eyes, many Koreans get it done.

Western – In Caucasians, the surgery is typically meant for the ones that desire to repair droopy eyelids, sagging eyebrows, or eyebags.

Facial Bone Surgery (Mandible reduction, Zygoma reduction, Chin etc)

Asia  – Face slimming surgeries like V-line surgery for jaw reduction or cheekbone        reduction surgeries are popular in Asians as they desire a slimmer face for more of a softer feminine look

Western – In Western countries, high cheekbones and defined jawlines are viewed        as more attractive and preferred.

           Nose job (Rhinoplasty)

Asia – Most Asians have noses with thicker skin and a lower bridge. So nose      augmentation, the use of silicone implants, is one of the most popular treatments in Asia.

Caucasians – In contrast to Asians, they typically desire reducing the size of their        nose.

             Anti-aging treatments

Asia – Anti-aging treatments are very popular in Korea. Korean’s are very protective of their skin and does a good job on taking care of it on a daily basis by making sure to wear sunscreen, not being out in the sun for too long, and regularly getting skin care treatments.  They also have a wide number of great cosmetic brands, making good skin care available for everyone. The main anti-aging treatments include laser treatments to remove freckles, moles and even tightening your pores. Fillers are usually used in forehead for more definition in face, under eyes for a youthful look and Botox is typically used on jawline for a slimmer face.

Western – In western countries, freckles aren’t usually frowned upon so it’s not a big concern. Also, most people prefer to have tan skin rather than pale and enjoy being in the sun, contrast to Asia. The most popular area for filler injection are the lips as most typically prefer fuller lips. For Botox, it’s mainly used to reduce facial wrinkles.

So which style do you prefer? Both are attractive in their own ways. We understand that each and every individual has different beauty standards and here at View clinic, we make sure to cater to each one’s desired look. All the procedures mentioned above are available at View, and we are able to perform the style you prefer whether if it’s more Asian or Western. Let us know your preference and we can help you achieve the look you want 😊💓💖




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