View Plastic Surgery Korea - "I hear frequently that I look pretty and elegant with my hair up!!" Before & After

View Plastic Surgery

- "I hear frequently that I look pretty and elegant with my hair up!!" - 

Soomi's Surgery Diary
Double Eyelid (revision) + Tiplasty

I looked like this before surgery; I’ve had a double eyelid surgery before but as you can see, my right crease has gone. I was stressed with my big nose too, was so determined to do surgery! So, I saved up, and went for the surgeries.

9 Days Later
I’ve removed my stitches on the 9th day; I already had a higher nose so didn’t do anything to the bridge, just the tip that I didn’t like. They told me that my tip was still little high and that it’ll come down as time goes; I didn’t mind. There’s still bruising on my under eyes, can you see the yellow bruises?

2 Weeks Later
All my stitches are removed from my nose~
Breathing has become much easier and I like how it’s taking shape.
I like how my tip is more defined than before.

1 Month Later
Most of my swelling is now gone and everything was taking its shape; I can do my makeup too now. At first, my nose tip looked high but it came down naturally. My friends that I haven’t met in awhile couldn’t take notice and say that I’ve become prettier.

3 Months Later
I heard that I’m look classy after the surgery and I look pretty in which ever angle I take selfies from!! I hear frequently that I look pretty and elegant with my hair up!!

Before & After

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