VIEW Plastic Surgery Korea - (Real Review) Become a barbie doll!

VIEW Plastic Surgery Korea 

 (Real Review) 
Become barbie doll!

What is her surgery?
V-line / Zygoma Reduction / T.O.P Rhinoplasty / Fat Graft


Before surgery, ponytail or tucking my hair over my ears didn’t look good on me. I was getting more irritated at these little things. My friends called me ugly something such as a circle or big head. Thus, I became stranger who tried to hide my face with my hair. So I didn’t want to get stress due to the shape of my face anymore. 

<1 Week Later>

The reason I decided to have surgery is that I got a lot of stress due to the shape of face. Finally, I have confidence after surgery. Since the swelling became severe more after 2~3 days, I felt too much tired and thirsty. I just used to sleep because I couldn’t eat well. But after a week, I removed stitches so that I have become as much as I can go outside. Even though I have still some swelling, I have become completely comfortable for my routine.

<2 Weeks Later>

The swelling on my nose and forehead has subsided overall as it has been 2 weeks. Even though I had some swelling around my chin, I don’t really care because I know that it would be gone gradually. I try to chew something soft food instead of porridge. By the way, it is still irritating inside my mouth after removing stitches though.

<1 Month Later>

I can open my mouth widely as much as I can eat most food. It was not that hard for my routine as well. Since swelling went away a lot, my face looks slim. Facial bone contouring has changed my look. 

<2 Months Later>

I tried new hair style that I had never tried before. I always hid my face with my hair but had my hair cut. It makes me feel happy! I was glad because lots of swelling had gone. However I was getting swelling back after doing a top up. But my skin have looked nice after having a fat graft touch-up.

<4 Months Later>

I still have some feeling of pulling inside my mouth though, I don’t have any discomfort to have a meal. The sensation is returning gradually. It seems that no one notice whether I had surgery or not. I’m so happy getting more beautiful with new changes




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