VIEW Plastic Surgery Korea - What is good implant for breast augmentation?

VIEW Plastic Surgery Korea 

 What is good implant for breast augmentation?

 We would like to introduce breast augmentation which makes flat breast voluptuous.
Recently, there are a lot of people who look for breast augmentation and prepare it so that getting information about breast surgery is easier more than before.
By the way, some information includes fact and non-fact.
Then, let’s learn about breast augmentation and implant more~!

Breast augmentation is a procedure which makes small and saggy breast become big and beautiful. Natural breast can be made according with individual body.

Medical professional at View makes tear-drop shape even though they use any kinds of implant with 10 years knowhow!

Implant for breast augmentation is divided into two kinds; smooth type and texture type.

Smooth type of implant feeling slippery allows the implant to move within the space. Though it has advantage as natural movement and feeling, it needs massage for at least 6 months to prevent tissue adhesion.
In other hand, texture type feeling rough on the surface is made along with fine surface of smooth type. This implant is inserted in the breast fitting perfectly so it is easy to fix. In addition, it has less percentage of capsular contracture since the implant is to be very close to the breast. However, it can be felt in case of weak breast due to thin capsula and lack of elasticity.

Breast augmentation can be divided depending on the shape of implant; round shape and tear-drop shape.
Round shape of implant can make breast look full, and it looks natural when you stand or lie down.

As tear-drop shape is the most similar shape with real breast, it can make breast look natural since it has voluptuous shape as moving toward down.

We have a time to learn about kinds of implant for breast augmentation. Is it useful to you?
Breast is the representative part to express beauty in feminine body.
Therefore, you should have various knowledge about breast on both functional part and cosmetic part. ^^


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