View Plastic Surgery Hospital South Korea Asymmetry jaw surgery facial contour

View Plastic Surgery Hospital South Korea Asymmetry jaw surgery facial contour 
Asymmetric face
Medical specialists in each field perform bimaxillary osteotomy and facial contouring surgery to enhance the professional expertise and completeness of the surgery. The precise planning and error-free surgery adjusts the balance of entire face.

What is facial asymmetry surgery?

The surgery for correcting the center line of the face by correcting the crooked jaw.
The surgery for correcting the center line of the face by correcting the crooked jaw.
Severe facial asymmetry is accompanied by pain in the jaw joint and affects even the chewing function.
Furthermore, surgical correction is required in this case because these symptoms often cause a psychological complex in a patient’s own appearance from an aesthetic aspect.

View Plastic Surgery Hospital South Korea Asymmetry jaw surgery facial contour 

The bone scalpel is an ultrasonic device which cuts the bones by responding only to the bone tissues.
It has less vibration within 0.5mm enabling a very precise surgery, protects nearby blood vessels and nerves by responding only to bones, causes less tissue damages and bleeding and provides quick recovery.

Surgery method

The proper position of the misaligned upper and lower jaws are set straight through the bimaxillary osteotomy and then, the center line of the face is adjusted by shaving off the chin line through facial contouring surgery.

View Plastic Surgery Hospital South Korea Asymmetry jaw surgery facial contour 


If there is facial asymmetry due to the different size and shape of the left and right lower jaws while there is no problems in the jaw bones, square jaw surgery can trim off the jaw line and form a balanced face.
If there is facial asymmetry due to the soft tissues in the face like the skin, muscle or fat, simple corrections can be made through fat grafting or liposuction.

thank you for reading, and if you have any further questions please feel free to contact us from any link below (:

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View Plastic Surgery Hospital Korea
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