TOP-5 plastic surgeries in 2019 worldwide!


#1 in the list of the most popular surgeries is liposuction!
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body. Most popular of them are abdomen, thighs and upper arms.
The fat is suctioned after decomposing the fat finely with a suction pipe. It is dangerous to suction fat of more than 10% of your body weight. so it is better to take out an appropriate amount of fat rather than taking out as much as possible to make a healthy bodyline.

Operation time: 1~2 hours
Anesthesia: Sedation or general
Hospitalization: Same day discharge
Suture removal: 7 days
Recovery: 2~3 weeks

Breast Augmentation

Surprisingly only in the second place is Breast enlargement surgery. In 2019 there were performed more than 300 000 of them in the United States only. 
In most cases, this surgery helps patients to improve self-esteem and boost self-confidence.
There are various types of implants and different surgical methods, so choosing the option that fits you better is as simple as possible.
Most popular shapes are "Teardrop" and "Round"
First give a more natural look, while second provides the full volume of the entire breast.
The most popular surgical method is "Insertion below the muscle" that gives a natural feel and shape. 
The "Insertion below the mammary gland" considered to be the simplest, and less painful than the others? but have a possibility of capsular contracture.

Operation time: 1.5~2 hours
Anesthesia: General
Hospitalization: Same day discharge
Suture removal: 7 days
Recovery: 3~4 days


Eye surgery is always #1 in South Korea, but surprisingly only on the 3rd place in the world.
While Korean people, usually youngsters, do double eyelid surgery to make their eyes look bigger and brighter, worldwide blepharoplasty is often used to get rid of the wrinkles, remove fat as well as lift the eyelids and make your eyes look brighter and younger. 
There are upper and lower blepharoplasty, and even if they have the same effect, the methods are different due to the difference in the structure. In the case of the upper blepharoplasty excess of the skin is removed to give lifting effect, while in case of the lower blepharoplasty fat under the eyes, that causes tired and puffy look, is removed in order to refresh the appearance.

Operation time: 1 hour
Anesthesia: Sedation
Hospitalization: Same day discharge
Suture removal: 7 days
Recovery: right after the surgery


Don't be confused by this name, we all know this surgery as tummy tack or lower body lift. This procedure is very common for ladies who gave birth recently and people with a drastic weight loss. During the surgery excess skin is removed from the belly, thus remaining skin is tightened. The slimmer body shape isn't the main goal of the surgery, but due to the removal of excess tissues, the overall appearance of the body is improved. An ideal patient is a person with a low or average body fat percentage and excess of the skin in the abdomen area.

Operation time : 30 minutes - 1 hour
Anesthesia: Sedation
Hospitalization: Same day discharge
Suture removal: 7 days
Recovery: 1~2 weeks


Can you believe that rhinoplasty is on the last 5th place? The trends for this surgery are drastically different in different parts of the world: Asian people mostly do higher nose bridge and nose augmentation, while western people, on the contrary, do nose reduction and alar base reduction. Nose tip plasty, hump reduction, and deviated nose correction are popular all around the world. Also, nose jobs are frequently done to correct breathing problems or disfigurement resulting from trauma or birth defects. Another interesting fact is that rhinoplasty is the most "revisional" surgery! So many people do it several times in their life trying to achieve perfection or to improve their quality of life.

Operation time: 1~2 hours
Anesthesia: Sedation / general
Hospitalization: Same day discharge
Suture removal: 7 days
Recovery: After suture removal


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